Saturday, August 22, 2009

Free Brain Fitness Software - Dual N-Backing Program

I'm a little busy right now, so I can't make this post a long one, but I thought that I'd quickly recommend a nice piece of free Brain fitness software, entitled Brain Workshop. The mental challenge on which the game is based, dual N-backing, has been shown to increase a person's working memory considerably, and I'd highly recommend it (future posts will discuss this fascinating discovery).

More importantly, there is a company called Mind Sparke, which is attempting to SELL software based on the dual N-backing method. Having purchased Mind Sparke's only currently available piece of software, Brain Fitness Pro, my opinion is that Brain Workshop is a better piece of software.


  1. There is also

  2. Strange thing:
    I have actually never read the paper where the dual-n-back claims are based on (see But I onced skipped through what I believe was the phd-publication of one of the main authors. I am not an expert in this field and I did not read the puplication very seriously, but to me it seemed like their explanation on why this task works was: because it is very difficult; more diffcult than the tasks used before

  3. I have been Dual N-Backing for several months and have definitely seen improvements in memory and speed of thought. Some ppl on are claiming 20+ IQ point increases from a year or less of work. Very exciting!

  4. There were methodological issues with the Jaeggi studies - something like not using a timed version of the Raven Matrices test, only using one subsection, etc. Still highly questionable.

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