The brain plays an important role in shaping every aspect of a person's life. It affects a person's ability to solve problems, by dictating which types of problems a person is inherently better or weaker at solving, and by dictating how successful a person is at solving different problems. For instance, Joe might possess a brain which makes him inclined to solve mathematical problems, but he might be mediocre at solving those problems, whereas Jennifer might have an inclination towards tactile problems, but be excellent at solving all problems. The ability to solve problems effectively, and solve different types of problems, plays an essential role in a person's life, determining a person's interests, career, career success, friendships, and virtually every other aspect of life.
Am I writing anything novel? No. Everyone's life experiences will align with what I have written: those with brains that have the capacity to solve a more diverse set of problems, and the capacity to solve more complex problems, generally end up wealthier than the next person.
The brain is also the center of consciousness, giving people the capacity to understand that they exist, and allowing the formation of an individual identity. It plays a role in perceiving sensations, allows living organisms to move, and is the center of emotion. A person is essentially their brain -which is why in science fiction movies, human brains, not hearts or kidneys, are shown being stored away in some god awful saline solution.
For decades, the scientific dogma stated that our brains and corresponding mental abilities and capacities could not be changed other than through surgical techniques or pharmaceutical intervention. Sure, a lobotomy could transform a severely manic depressive person into a comatose vegetable, or caffeine could allow a person to sustain their attention longer, but people couldn't improve their memories on demand, improve their emotional make up, improve their concentration, or improve their ability to solve problems. Our intelligence quotient was fixed, our personalities were fixed, and that was that!
Recent research has suggested this view is inaccurate. The brain can change itself, and thus a person can change various aspects of their mental or emotional makeup. Finally, the old dogma was overthrown, and people rejoiced!
This blog seeks to discuss all aspects of brain improvement, from the practical to the theoretical. As a trained scientist, I will do my utmost to debunk theories and practices which are not proven, and which will ultimately waste people's time, and shed light upon theories and practices which are valuable. From product reviews, to news regarding techniques for brain improvement, I intend to canvas the vast field of brain remodelling which has just opened up!
I hope that you enjoy what I have to write. Please stop by regularly!
To the success of the impossible,
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
The Brain Improvement Manifesto
brain improvement,
brain training,
IQ improvement
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I would like to thank you for your work! As an amateur and non-scientist, I have been studying various brain development methods and the recent findings about neuroplasticity/neurogenesis. It is a fascinating, albeit overwhelming, subject for someone like myself. So in short, thank you. I will be reading